Hi and welcome to my website, Who or what am I?.
I currently live in Margate, Kent. I was born in Cape Town in 64, coming to the UK in 71. I lived in London for many years, then later in Cambridge and east Sussex.
I was writing this book on and off for a number of years. If you are reading this, it should be a finished article!.
I am happy that you may read this book, about my search for enlightenment or true spirituality, whatever that is. Its also about the search to make sense of life and to be free of the sense of suffering. And its about how Divine Grace was given as a free gift, and changed absolutely everything.
Have a wonder-full day.
And hopefully hear from you some time, whomever you might be!. :-)
Below is me with what may have been chocolate pudding!
I was 3, in 1967 in Cape Town, South Africa.
Love from Gavin